Return Policy

We want you to love your purchase! We will accept returns postmarked within 21 days of purchase on unused, new products with tags attached.
In order to return your item, please email us at to let us know you are sending the item back so we can be on the lookout for it.
Please mail your return to:
Bentley Jane
75 S. Greeley Avenue
Chappaqua NY 10514
Customers are responsible for the cost of shipping on all returns.
If an item was damaged during transit please let us know asap so we can send you a replacement.
Please note:
1. Refunds are credited to the original form of payment or a Bentley Jane gift card.
2. Returns are processed in 10-14 business days and refunds expected 5-7 business days after processing.
3. Shipping charges are not refunded.
4. Exchanges are processed as inventory allows.
5. All DISCOUNTED or SALE ITEMS are “FINAL SALE” and can not be exchanged or returned.